We are often asked where we obtained items, or which manufacturer produces the model that we have incorporated into the layout. We have relied on the Model Railway Press to provide information on suppliers through adverts. Wherever possible we support our local model shops (unfortunately they are a dying breed).
Track -trackwork is all Peco Streamline Code 75 using electrofrog points.
Point Motors – Tortoise (Battery Powered).
Turntable – Roco (but heavily modified)
Engine Shed – Timber Tracks
Point/Signal Levers – DCC Concepts
Baseboards – Grainge and Hodder (mostly stock items but some custom built for us)
DCC Control – Lenz with Lenz and Multimaus handheld controllers
Electronics – Various suppliers including MERG, Express, DCC Concepts etc.
Sound – ESU Loksound Wheeltappersdccsounds for Steam and Legomanbiffo for Diesel
Locomotives – Bachmann, Hornby, Heljan, DJ, Oxford, OO Works, and various Kit-built.
Rolling Stock – Bachmann, Hornby, Oxford, and Kit-built
Scenic items – Various sources.
All our mains equipment has been PAT tested.